Dela nyhet
Notes from parents' meeting Autumn 22
18 sep 2022 1 kommentar
Hi everyone, this is the English version of the post Hanna uploaded yesterday.
These are the summarised points discussed during the meeting.
- It is important to answer to the weekly team calls for your daughter and register her for when she is not coming. It is important for the trainers to know so they can plan better the activities. If there are too few trainees (5 girls), the training is cancelled.
- It is expected the parents will help to build and remove the edge of the playfield (sarg). At least 4-5 parents are needed for each training day, so the building and removal goes quite fast and smooth to use more time for the actual training.
- It is very important the children have safety glasses for the trainings and matches. For the children that normally use glasses, there is no need for the extra protection.
- Please, look at the length of the “innebandy klubbor” for your daughters. A good length it is a stick that goes to the height of the belly button. Both shorter or longer “klubbor” makes it difficult at play.
- Just as a refresher: today our trainers are: Samira, Johan and Mattias. Our team leaders: Hanna and Marcela. If one or more of the trainers is absent, we need to create a group of parents that can volunteer to help in the training so the girls will not lose the day. This is aside the help in constructing the edge of the playfield. You can contact any of the trainers for this. Thanks.
- We have a WhatsApp group for simple contact inside the team. In this group we can load for example photos from trainings, lost & found items, questions, etc. But absence or presence to a training must always been set via the team page. Contact Samira if you are not yet inserted in this WhatsApp group. and please, if you do not really understand a swedish message, please say it and we send the same in english or we follow it up with you personally. We want everyone to have all information for the girls benefit.
- The team has registered for the “Schyssta cupen” even this year. (The Silent Cup!). This is a tournament where the planned games are already marked in the calendar but, what is new this year is that we will not know in advance where or when the match will happen. It will only be released closed to the actual date. We will send the calls (kallelser) when we know more about it.
- For the "Schyssta" cup and matches in general the presence or absence needs to be registered 7 days before the actual game takes place so we know how many girls will play. If we get out of a game we have registered for we get to pay a fine for 500 sek. Also to consider is that we are 17 members in total and sometimes we register 2 teams.
- AIK clothes are bought by each player via Intersport, check on previous posts on our team’s page. You can try the clothes at Intersport Barkaby (these are not available; you need to ask the personal to bring them to you) or in Solnahallen on September 27th, no time yet (see previous post from Aug. 16th). Clothes sizes seem to relate to normal children’s clothes sizes, but better to be sure.
- Team’s money: It is Marcela (Maite’s mamma) that is responsible. Update: From selling Bingolotter last December we made for our team 2800 sek which was deposited to Marcela’s account in February, 2022. We bought now 2 holders for water bottles from XXL for a total cost of 398 kr. We also need to soon buy training vests and other items which AIK does not provide. We also need our own money to pay for the fee to participate in the different tournaments per team we present. So we need to refill our cash and we asked for the contribution from each player of 200 kr by sending it via Swish to Marcela Tel nr 0733962542, and write the child’s name when you do so. Thanks.
- Hanna is also looking into the possibility of selling items from Newbody for those that would like to ( These are good quality items that are normally easily sold, and we get 30% of the total sells back to our team. Those that do not want to sell, maybe can buy from those that sell. One option.
- Of course, there will be more help requests from AIK coming soon for selling items and we need to participate as these are to help AIK Innebandy Association.
- This teams site it is used for general information, for example tournaments. Some information is available to everyone, and some is directed only to a subgroup, like the trainers or leaders.
- Team's photo session will take place this October 1st, at 10:30am in Solnahallen. See the team's calendar for more information. The girls need to be dressed that day with the AIK clothes, black socks, if possible long to below the knee socks, and their stick (klubba). Group and individual pictures will be taken as the past year.
- The team is going to apply to go and watch a match from the A division under this autumn, and to be the “mascots” as the past year.
I think this is it. If any doubts, please reach out to any of the leaders. And of course, if any other parent would like to be also team leader, let us know.
Marcela Ferella 18 sep 2022
Sorry, mistake. There will be no clothes trial on Sept 27th. It was changed by the end of August. So only option is Instersport Barkaby by now.